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If you're a passionate lover of Indian culture, then surely you must have heard of the language called Telugu. It is one of the most popular languages in India and has a rich history in literature and film-making. In addition to being a popular language, Telugu is also spoken by over 50 million people around the world. Sure, learning everything about this language would require quite some time - it contains thousands of terms for words! But if you wish to make any attempt at learning it, there are some simple steps that will help facilitate your progress towards fluency. One such step would be finding an audio resource that teaches beginners how to pronounce Telugu words or phrases. This will not only make it easier for you but also do justice to this beautiful language. This is the perfect audio resource for people who wish to learn how to pronounce Telugu words correctly. It teaches you the basic structure of the Telugu language, phrases, greetings and pronunciation. It is useful for both beginners and advanced learners who want to brush up their knowledge of the language. The audio lessons are also very simple and easy to follow with loads of examples in different situations. These lessons are not just meant for beginners but even experienced learners can benefit from it! The vocabulary included in this audio resource includes common words or phrases that are used in daily conversations or in various scenarios too. You will find this audio resource very handy if you are a beginner who wants to learn Telugu fast. This is also one of the best resources for beginners when it comes to learning the basic structure of the Telugu language. The lessons are easy to follow with plenty of examples, diagrams and even recordings at certain times. Learning is made simple with these 12 lessons in this audio resource. Voice definitions are also provided in each lesson so that you can understand it easily. This excellent resource is useful for people who wish to learn how to speak Telugu or improve beyond their current level of proficiency. This is one of the most useful resources when it comes to learning Telugu from scratch. It has been designed with the intention of teaching people how to speak and write in a way that is effective and easy to learn. The lessons are quite easy but not simplistic, so it will be a good choice for students who have already studied some basic lessons in their native language or have completed a few years of schooling in their country. This resource also includes links to online resources that will help you do more research on topics such as grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation, etc. You will also find audio segments and video lessons in this resource which you can also use in your personal learning. The audio lessons included in this resource are quite simple and useful for people who wish to learn Telugu from scratch. They contain voice recordings, transcripts and illustration. This is a very useful audio resource that will be very useful for beginners or intermediate learners who want to brush up their knowledge of the language further. It has been designed for people who wish to improve their pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar so that they can express themselves better in daily conversations and understand complex concepts easily too. This is an excellent audio resource for beginners when it comes to learning how to speak Telugu fluently and effectively. cfa1e77820