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Every year our science exams keep getting harder, and this time of course is no exception. But there is actually a quick way to solve the physics questions without having to waste hours on complicated formulas. All you need to do is download free solution of nootan isc physics for class 12, an app that provides all the numerical solutions to your syllabus. It also offers just about every other type of solution, e.g., graphs, drawings, etc. There are many other destinations on the web that provide important help, e.g., section3 notetaking site to get elaborate practice questions, click here for sample exams, etc. Using these various sources you can actually improve your score faster than ever before.If you need any further help or guidance then feel free to contact me! I am also available on WhatsApp +918017164560 if you have any more queries or suggestions that I might be able to help with. Apart from being a student of IIT Kanpur, this is my first ever article published on Serena. BEST OF LUCK!Nootan Ahuja Student of IIT Kanpur (Class of 2015)Comments Below: 1.Nootan Ahuja: IIT Kanpur Btech, Class of 2015 - 30 December 2012, 12:25 AM The App nootan isc physics is really very nice and it saves a lot of time and stress that we used to do in our earlier exams. The app has solved the issues perfectly and the concepts that we were not able to understood is also resolved with this app. Yours truly nootan ahuja from IIT kanpur :) http://www.nootansolution. com/ 2 .Nootan Ahuja: IIT Kanpur Btech, Class of 2015 - 30 December 2012, 12:41 AM It really makes the studying easy and helps to get the vital information for exams without any stress or tension . I am using it for my last semester exams also.. Thanks.. 1 . Nootan Ahuja: IIT Kanpur Btech, Class of 2015 - 30 December 2012, 12:25 AM The App nootan isc physics is really very nice and it saves a lot of time and stress that we used to do in our earlier exams. The app has solved the issues perfectly and the concepts that we were not able to understood is also resolved with this app. Yours truly nootan ahuja from IIT kanpur :) http://www.nootansolution. com/ 2 . cfa1e77820